HIQA says ‘significant progress’ has been made to bring Cahercalla Community Hospital into compliance with health regulations.
The results of a recent inspection in the Ennis facility suggests a number of issues flagged there last September appear to have been addressed.
The unannounced inspection took place in Cahercalla on the 13th of January when 88 residents were on site.
The inspector on the day wrote in their follow-up report that feedback from residents living in the centre was ‘very positive’, with one saying ‘they never let me down’ when asked about the staff.
It was noted ‘significant progress’ has been made on issues brought to light in September 2021, including in Cahercalla’s governance and management structures and an improved oversight of services to residents.
However, the inspector reported one area relating to the availability of staff in the direct provision of care ‘had not been fully addressed’.
While HIQA noted the facility continues to have a high staff turnover, it’s understood an active recruitment campaign remains in place.
Inspectors say Cahercalla’s management team is committed to providing ongoing training to staff, with systems now in place to manage critical incidents and risk in the centre.
Of the 14 areas the facility was assessed in by HIQA on this occasion, it was deemed fully compliant in 9 of those areas and substantially compliant in the other 5.
The full report is available here