Fine Gael European Election Candidate Jim Higgins has blasted his party’s canvassing strategy in the North and West Constituency…
The Fine Gael party have divided the 11 counties into two parts and the MEP has been prevented from canvassing in six of the counties as part of a party strategy to accommodate his running mate, Senator Joe O’Reilly.
Fine Gael European Election Candidate Jim Higgins has blasted his party’s canvassing strategy in the North and West Constituency…
The Fine Gael party have divided the 11 counties into two parts and the MEP has been prevented from canvassing in six of the counties as part of a party strategy to accommodate his running mate, Senator Joe O’Reilly.
MEP Higgins says that he’s been canvassing hard in Clare, Mayo, Galway and North Roscommon and now needs to get into the north of the constituency.
He believes the "crazy" constituency divide could prevent Fine Gael from winning two seats in the North West for the first time.