
Green Light For Fahybeg Windfarm As Council Decision Overruled

An Bord Pleanála has overruled a Clare County Council decision to refuse planning permission for the Fahy Beg Windfarm.

RWE Renewables Ireland can now commence the construction of the project, with a 30-year lifespan in East Clare.

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The proposed development involves eight wind turbines ranging from 169m to 176m in height.

Each wind turbine will be supported by a reinforced concrete base pad and the windfarm will also entail a 100m meteorological mast and the construction of 38KV (Kilo-Volt) electrical substation.

The project location is approximately 6km South West of Killaloe and 1.5km North of Bridgetown, and RWE Renewables predict the windfarm will generate enough green electricity to offset 50,000 tonnes of carbon each year.

But Clare County Council refused planning permission for the development last May after receiving 158 public submissions.

The local authority made the decision on the grounds that it negatively impact the character of the rural landscape and would seriously injure the amenities of residential properties due to noise and disturbance during the construction period and stated the finished project would be visually overbearing on existing homes and depreciate their value.

An Bord Pleanála has this week overturned the council decision though following an appeal by RWE Renewables, the windfarm has now been given the go-ahead subject to twenty-one conditions.

Among them is that shadow flicker resulting from the windfarm cannot exceed 30 minutes per day or 30 hours per year.
