A south-east Clare town is set to see a major boost to its housing supply in the near future.
Clare County Council has given its approval to Datcha Construction Limited for the construction of 31 homes in Sixmilebridge despite concerns raised by residents in the area.
On May 16th of this year, Arnold Leahy Architects lodged a planning application with the local authority’s planning department on behalf of its client Datcha Construction Limited.
The application sought planning permission for a development in Lios Anama in Sixmilebridge consisting of 26 semi-detached houses, three terrace houses and two detached houses.
The application also provides for ancillary surface car parking, vehicular and pedestrian access, connection to the public water supply, foul water drainage services, diversion of a 50 millimetre watermain and all other associated works.
On June 14th, the Lios Anama Residents Association made a submission outlining a number of concerns held by residents in relation to the development.
Among the concerns are that the existing infrastructure for water run-off in the area is already “at or above capacity”, that traffic calming measures should be included in the development and that a high volume of construction vehicles in the estate would pose a safety risk.
The submission also requests that the existing boundary trees be “maintained to their existing heights and density”, and that the new houses match the existing ones in appearance and in quality of materials used.
An Uisce Éireann submission made on June 20th states the utility “does not permit build over of its assets” and says the applicant must “enter into a connection agreement with Uisce Éireann” in order to “provide adequate water and wastewater facilities.
Clare County Council granted planning permission for the 31-house development on August 14th subject to 24 conditions.