
Govt Confirms 60 Bed Modular Unit To Be Operational Next Month – Though ULHG Says No Opening Date Yet

The Government has confirmed the new 60-bed modular unit at University Hospital Limerick will become operational next month, despite hospital management saying no opening date has been set.

The €19.5 million project is intended to address overcrowding at the region’s main hospital.

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The Government says that unit will be completed by the end of this month and become operational on Monday November 9th.

The UL Hospitals Group has told The Limerick Leader, however, that an opening date has not yet been announced, and that while recruitment is ongoing, it can only say that it expects the unit to be operational by the last quarter of the year.

After being told that the unit will be opened next month, Clare’s Fine Gael Senator and the party’s Seanad Health spokesperson, Martin Conway, welcomed the commitment to address difficulties at the facility.
