
Government Urged to Push Ahead With Broadband Plan Despite Low Uptake In Rural Areas

The Inagh-based CEO of Muintir na Tíre insists it’s vital that the Government pushes ahead with the National Broadband plan, despite new figures showing take up has been low in rural areas.

New figures show just 28,000 out of a possible 200 thousand signed up for high-speed broadband offered by Eir so far this year.

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It’s led to fears about the government spending hundreds of millions of euro on the National Broadband Plan, which aims to connect half a million rural homes, if the take-up rate doesn’t improve.

The controversial plan is under review following the resignation of the former Communications Minister and Violet Ann Wynne of Clare Sinn Fein believes people here are losing hope that broadband will ever be delivered.

But Niall Garvey has been telling Clare FM’s Fiona Cahill that the figures are unsurprising, and he insists it’s vital the government pushes ahead with the plan:
