It’s claimed ghost buses are running through towns and villages in Clare, due to the lack of consultation at local level about transport needs.
It comes amid fresh calls for a ‘comprehensive’ transport plan to be put together for the banner, which the local authority has described as significant piece of work’ that would need budgets identified for it.
Calls have been made for more ‘joined up thinking’ between state agencies to improve public transport services in the county.
Elected representatives have this week debated calls for an ‘integrated, comprehensive transport plan’ for Clare to be developed for both tourists and those living here permanently.
While the proposal has been described as ‘very welcome’ by the Council’s Executive, it’s claimed it would require ‘significant’ work and budgets would need to be identified.
The NTA has advised that Ennis Town and it’s environs should be prioritised because of its structure as a county town and its significance and importance to the town.
It’s anticipated that the development of Mobility Plans for the county’s towns and villages will be the next focus.
Brian Farrell of Burren Coaches believes a transport analysis should be filtering inwards towards Ennis though, and not the other way around.
A Lahinch hotelier believes any transport analysis should integrate the views of local communities who are aware of the needs on the ground.
Michael Vaughan says new solutions are needed to transport issues here.
Listen back to the full interview here: