
Gardaí Investigate Link Between Shannon And Sixmilebridge Burglaries

Gardaí are investigating the possibility that a spate of burglaries in Shannon and Sixmilebridge on Saturday were linked.

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Thieves gained entrey to a house in the Killian Park Estate by forcing open the back door sometime between 4pm and 11pm, while on the same evening, between 9 and 10pm, thieves targetted a house in Lios Rua.

In both incidents, a large amount of jewellery was taken.

Meanwhile, in Sixmilebridge, a house in the Deerpark area was broken-in to sometime between 7.30 and 10.40pm and a large quantity of money was stolen.

Garda Daniel O'Riordan is appealing to anyone with information on the burglaries to contact Shannon Garda Station and he's advising people that homes are more vulnerable around this time of year.
