House prices in Clare are expected to rise by 8% on average this year.
House prices in Clare are expected to rise by 8% on average this year.
A Real Estate Alliance report says the increase is being driven by new demand and a shortage of supply.
The Real Alliance Report, which is the latest in a series of housing reports released this month predicts an 8% rise in house prices across the county over the coming year.
A combination of factors, including the easing of restrictions on lending, and a shortage of housing supply are expected to be the main drivers behind the growth.
It comes on the back of 14% increase in the past year.
The REA says the average three-bed semi in Clare now costs €160,000, an increase of €10,000 in the final quarter of 2016.
Outside the county, in our neighbouring cities, Limerick and Galway, a 10% rise in house prices is expected.