With less than 24 hours to go before water charges come into force, the Commission for Energy Regulation has published details of the fees involved.
Charges for all homes will be capped for the first nine months, with those on boil notices excempt from water supply costs.
Tomorrow sees the start of the billing system, but charges will be capped until next June.
People living under boil water notices won't have to pay for their supply while it's affected, but they will still have to pay for waste water services.
The assessed charge for water and wastewater for a one adult household is 176 euro or 278 euro for two adults, with children deemed to be free.
Paul McGowan from the CER says people who have no meter on their supply will have to pay an 'assessed charge' for now, and properties which have had a meter installed won't have to pay more than that.
Concerns are being expressed this morning about the level of charges which will kick in once the capped or assessed charge period expires.
Personal Finance Columnist with the Irish Times Jill Kirby believes her three-person household is facing a significant hike in bills from then on.