
Former Senator Says Stack Scandal Is Deja Vu For Sinn Fein

Former Labour Senator Maria Cahill has called the scandal surrounding the death of Brian Stack a case of 'Deja Vu' for Sinn Féin.

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Former Labour Senator Maria Cahill has called the scandal surrounding the death of Brian Stack a case of 'Deja Vu' for Sinn Féin.

Ms Cahill – who claims to have been sexually abused by an IRA member – says Gerry Adams is interfering in the murder inquiry in the same way he interfered in her alleged rape.

Prison officer Brian Stack was fatally shot by the IRA in the 1980s.

The Sinn Féin leader claims he was given the names of potential killers by Mr Stack's son Austin – something the family denies.

Maria Cahill says Gerry Adams must know something.
