The former General Secretary of the Irish Farmers Association says he wants the association to give half of his two million euro severance package to charity.
Last night Pat Smith said he's disappointed that he's left the IFA and wants them to honour his retirement deal.
Pat Smith's controversial severance package from the IFA is worth 2 million euro.
It's reported to be made up of a lump sum of one million, plus an annual payment of 100-thousand euro for the next ten years.
Last night the former IFA General Secretary said he now wants half of that package to go to charity.
But the IFA hit back, saying Smith had demanded the money and is now trying to cover it up.
It also says he didn't stand down last week, but was in effect, fired, amid controversy over his pay.
IFA President Eddie Downey has also resigned over the issue, leaving farmers 60 days to hold an election to replace him.