
Environment Minister urged to rethink Clare funding cut

The Environment Minister’s being urged to re-think his decision not to restore all local government funding to Clare County Council, eventhough it surpassed the compliance rate for the household charge.

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On Friday the Department confirmed to Clare FM the local authority would be getting full payment for the final quarter of the year but only part of the money for July to September.

In July the council decided to press ahead with its entire budget plans for 2012 after receiving pledges from Fine Gael Deputies Pat Breen and Joe Carey that all withheld funds would be returned if it could boost household charge compliance levels.

It has now exceeded the 65 percent set by Phil Hogan but the cutbacks wont be restored and Clare County Council says it will have to revise its budget for the year.

Clare Fine Gael Senator Martin Conway is urging the Minister to rethink the matter.

