Ennis has retained its position in the latest anti-litter league survey.
The county town is one of eight areas across the country to be deemed ‘cleaner than European norms’ in the first post-lockdown survey by Irish Business Against Litter.
Ennis has once again cemented its position among the cleanest towns in the country.
The first post-lockdown survey by IBAL has placed the county town in 3rd position in the ranking of 40 areas nationwide.
The An Taisce report states there were no heavily littered sites in Ennis.
There was plenty of repaving of the town centre sites, including many of the laneways off the main shopping streets and inspectors said these laneways looked great.
The report goes on to say that despite ‘works’ taking place at Tim Smythe Park and Abbey Street Car Park, they didn’t impact in any negative way on the litter situation there and that these sites were particularly freshly presented and maintained.
Top-ranking sites include Clare Museum environs and Abbey Street, which have both been described as “spotless”.
Overall, IBAL has found that 68 per cent of towns registered improvements last year and its once again critical of what it’s described as the failure of local authorities to address sites which they have previously highlighted as heavily littered, especially in urban areas.
They say that of the 103 such sites exposed last year, fewer than half have been cleaned up in 2021.