
Ennis gardai investigate armed raid on bookmakers

Ennis gardai are appealing for witnesses following an armed robbery on a bookmakers in the town.

The raiders entered the Ladbrokes shop on the Turnpike shortly after half seven last night as staff were preparing to close up.
They threatened the employees before making off with an undisclosed sum of money – believed to be a significant amount of cash.
Gardai say the three men then made their escape in a silver coloured Audi A 5 or A 6 in the direction of Mangan’s Cash and Carry.
The registration on the vehicle was 09 D 24105 and investigating officers are appealing to anyone who may have noticed the car either prior to the raid or anytime afterwards to contact the station at Ennis on 6848100.
It’s understood this is the second raid on the bookmakers in the past two months.