
Ennis Clean To European Norms Says IBAL

The latest survey by Irish Business Against Litter show Ennis is once again clean to European norms.

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The county town has dropped once place to 24th this year having been ranked as 23rd in 2013 and 32nd in previous years.

The latest research from IBAL shows that heavily littered areas are finally cleaning up. 

Its annuals finding show that 75 per cent of areas across the country are at least clean to European norms, with Kilarney judged as the cleanest town, followed by Dungarven and Tralee.

The report commissioned by An Taisce shows a very good result for Ennis with eight out of ten sites surveyed getting the top litter grade, while there was one moderately littered and one litter blackspot.

The residential areas of The Hawthorns and Summerhill as well as St Flannan's College and Market Square were given top marks.

But the R469 approach road to Quin was rated very poorly with the report indicating that "there was a problem on either side fof the bridge and the adjacent 'Doora' waste / recycle facility, which has an air of abandonment."

For the first time, no towns in Ireland were branded as 'blackspots' or 'seriously littered' with areas such as Dublin's North Inner city and Cork's Faranree highlighted as some of the most improved.
