The Education Minister says her plans for Junior Cycle reform are 'not in the bin'.
Jan O'Sullivan was commenting ahead of a meeting of the ASTI's National Executive – which comes after the union's members rejected the proposals.
However, the result of the ASTI ballot has been criticised – because only 38 per cent of members took part.
The result of the ASTI ballot appeared to cast new doubt over Jan O'Sullivan's Junior Cycle reforms.
However, she says she still intends to press forward with the plans – which were a compromise between school-based assessment – and the State evaluation favoured by teachers.
Minister O'Sullivan says she has no intention of backing down.
The ASTI's President Maire Ni Chiarba says teachers don't have faith in the Government – and don't trust it to fund the changes needed.
The union's National Executive will meet in Dublin this lunchtime to discuss the next step.
However, more than 11-thousand of the union's 18-thousand members failed to vote in the ballot.
While the Teachers Union of Ireland backed the Junior Cycle proposals – by 69 per cent to 31 per cent.
Former Education Minister Ruairi Quinn says a minority of teachers shouldn't be allowed to stop progress.