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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Economy & Employment

Breen Hopeful Of Future Announcements Following Creation Of 60 New Jobs

Clare's Junior Jobs Minister says he is confident that the announcement of 60 new jobs for the county will lead to future job creation. The...

60 New Jobs For Clare With Expansion Of Vitalograph And Wild Irish Seadweed

60 new jobs are being created by companies in Ennis and Quilty. Global medical supply company Vitalograph is to announce 50 new jobs at the...

Calls For More Marketing Of Shannon Airport

Shannon Airport is being called on to carry out a survey to find out why people choose to fly from Dublin. Newmarket-on-Fergus Councillor Pat McMahon...

Calls For Covered Street In Ennis Town Centre

An Ennis councillor hopes the county town can learn from the example of Waterford and put a covered street in place in the town...

Harty Calls For Action On Pension Anomalies

Clare's Independent TD is calling for urgent action to address what he's called the "financial discrimination" created when pension entitlements were changed. Changes made in...

Clare ICSA Brands Trebling Of Stamp Duty As ‘Savage’ Attack On Farmers

The Cratloe-based general secretary of the ICSA claims the trebling of stamp duty is a savage attack on farmers. The Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers...

Minister For Education Says Budget Safeguards Ireland’s Progress

The Minister for Education says Ireland's progress has been safeguarded by yesterday's budget. Richard Bruton has described yesterday's announcement as balanced and sustainable - the...

Carey Describes Budget 2018 As “Prudent” And “Progressive”

A Clare Fine Gael TD has described the Budget as "prudent" and "progressive." Deputy Joe Carey has welcomed his government's plans, saying it gives money...

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