The development of a €4.2m housing scheme in Ennis has been put for tender by the local authority.
The project plans to deliver twenty new homes on the Gort Road in the county town.
In January, An Bord Pleanála granted Clare County Council permission to construct a new housing development at Hazel lane on the Gort Road.
The scheme will consist of 2x four-bed homes, 4x three-bed homes, 12x two-bed homes and 2x one-bed houses.
The plans also involve the provision of car parking, access roads, public lighting and various amenity facilities.
The local authority has now put the project out to tender and will be accepting bids up until 4pm on June 10th.
The estimated value of the contract has been set at a minimum of €4.2m , while the expected duration of the contract is fifteen months.