Ennis Municipal District is to spend 175,000 euro on improving footpaths this year.
The allocation is part-funded by the Local Property Tax to upgrade the paths and in some cases replace them altogether.
Nine projects will benefit under the 75,000 euro Discretionary Maintenance Grant.
This includes 12,500 on a footpath in a cul de sac in Ballybeg, a further 12,500 will go on works in Quin, from the school to the main R469 road and 10,000 will go to repairing historic stone paving on Bindon Street and Bank Place.
The Circular Road area of Hermitage is set to be enhanced with a 50,000 euro fund, to improve surface texture of existing paths and works will be carried out after broadband ducting work is completed.
Meanwhile, 70,000 euro in funding carried over from last year is being used to replace footpaths on the Gort Road, Sandfield Park and Clare Road, as well as the Tulla and Kilrush Roads.