
Draft Shannon Masterplan On Public Display From Today

The draft Shannon Town masterplan is going on public display from today.

The plan is being described by the local authority as a document that will ‘make Shannon a more attractive destination in which to live, work and do business’.

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Clare County Council says the masterplan proposes to ‘unlock development potential’ in Shannon town centre and ‘guide its built and economic development’.

An improved main street has been earmarked under the draft plan, along with the creation of a new street and a new town square.

The development of a ‘One Shannon Hub’, which is understood to be for multiple daytime and night time uses, is also being proposed, which would combine the Town Hall, a performing arts venue and a greenhouse and garden.

A number of mixed use residential and commercial units are planned, which the Council describes as ‘high-quality urban town centre living areas’.

152 submissions were received by the local authority during the plan’s public consultation process, the majority of whom were aged between 25 and 44.

The Council says these comments have helped to shape this final Draft Masterplan, which is at the final stages of development.

The plan is on display until Monday, December 20th on Clare County Council’s website, the Council building in Ennis, Shannon’s municipal district building or the Sean Lemass public library in the town centre.
