Doras Calls On Government To Show “Responsible Leadership” To Ensure Safety Of Asylum Seekers

Photo (c) Clare Immigrant Support Centre

A Midwest migrants’ rights group is calling on the government to show “responsible leadership” to ensure those seeking refuge in Ireland can feel safe and secure.

Senior government sources have indicated there are “serious concerns” that international protection applicants will soon have to live in tents or sleep rough, with accommodation spaces likely to run out by the end of this week.

As of the end of October, this county is hosting approximately 850 international protection applicants in Ennis, Tulla, Meelick, Inch, Lisdoonvarna and Scariff.



Doras CEO John Lannon says it’s vital the government stand up for victims of “hate and intolerance” so that non-nationals don’t have to look over their shoulders.

Listen to the full interview here