A decision to grant planning permission for a major housing development in West Clare has been postponed.
The local authority has requested that a road safety audit is carried out before it can make a ruling on a proposal for 38 new homes in Kilkee.
Gold Star Homes LTD has met refusal on three occasions in its attempt to develop a Caravan Park on the 1.33 hectare site at Dough, Kilkee before turning attention to a housing scheme there instead.
The proposed development involves 28 x 3-bed homes and 10×2-bed houses, comprised of semi-detached and terraced dwellings.
The Kerry firm will have to revise it plans though, following a request from Clare County Council for further information on road safety, foul sewerage connections, steps to protect visual amenity, and surfacewater management.
The application received five public submissions, including from Kilkee Fianna Fáil Councillor Cillian Murphy and the Moonin Residents Association.
Cllr Murphy has called for the local authority to explore all avenues to ensure it can enforce the permanent occupancy clause for Kilkee in the county development plan and to ensure it’s appropriate for year-round residency.
The Moonin Estate is located just south of the proposed site, and the residents’ association claims the development would endanger public safety.
The group states that the existing road network is deficient in terms of alignment and surface provision to cater for the increased levels of vehicular and pedestrian traffic the development would bring.
Gold Star Homes has now been asked to provide a full assessment of the capacity of the road network and details of the design, location, and surface treatment of all pedestrian crossing points before a decision can be reached.