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Ennis, ie
Monday, June 17, 2024

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  • Night Moves
    Text 086 1800 964
    Call 0818 400 964
    Monday, 00:00 -05:59

Current Affairs

Clare Business’ Bamboo Hurleys Popular Among Players

The 'Clash of the Ash' may become a thing of the past as a prominent Clare hurley maker has begun using bamboo to make...

Transport Minister Commits To Examining Measures Needed To Support Shannon Airport

The Junior Minister for Transport has committed to examining measures that may be needed to support Shannon Airport, as part of a wider review...

Concerns Over Impact Of Pedestrianisation In Ennis

A prominent Ennis retailer has expressed concern about the impact on trade of the pedestrianisation of Ennis town centre. Issues cited include inadequate parking and...

‘Save Shannon Airport Rally’ Planned For Ennis

A rally is due to take place in Ennis later this month as part of a campaign to save Shannon Airport. Organisers of the Save...

Taoiseach Suggests There’s Scope To Keep Shannon Heritage Sites Open

The Taoiseach has suggested that there could be scope to find a solution that could see Shannon Heritage open its sites for longer this...

Clare VFI Says Delay In Re-Opening Pubs Would Be Drastic

The Chair of Clare VFI insists that delaying the reopening of pubs would be drastic and unfair on publicans who have done nothing wrong. Taoiseach...

6% Drop In Fines For Learner Or Novice Drivers In Clare

There was a 6% drop in the number of fines for learner or novice driver offences in Clare last year. In 2019, 134 people in...

Ennis Live Register Up By Over 25% During COVID Crackdown

Live register figures in Ennis have jumped by over a quarter since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. New CSO figures show that while the...

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