A county-wide policy is being put in place for plaques and monuments which are designed to commemorate people or an event.
A Civic memorial Committee is proposed under a new Draft Policy.
In setting out its policy, the Council says it's looking to be sympathetic to those seeking to install a memorial, to balance the contrasting needs of different groups, and to establish responsibility for their maintenance and repair.
The policy declares that the subject shuold be of countywide, national or international significance and that there should be a strong connection with the area where the memorial is located.
The Council is to bear budgetary constraints in mind when making its decisions, but the policy also says the local authority will be the appropriate body to fund the memorial, although other sponsorship will be considered.
In order to ensure the memorials are appropriate, the policy also declares that they won't be put in place until 20 years after an event, or ten years after the person who's being remembered has passed away.
A Civic Memorial Committee will discuss memorials, though the final decisions will be up to the full Council.