Councillors say ‘more staff’ may be required by the local authority to adequately manage Clare’s tourist hotspots this summer.
It comes as a Clare FM investigation has revealed that while a number of additional facilities are planned for West Clare, less infrastructure will be incorporated in the East of the county.
In response to queries from Clare FM to the second part of an investigation into outdoor facilities available here, Clare County Council says it’s in discussions with landowners and business owners in the West of the county about providing additional public car parking spaces this summer.
It is however, warning that it won’t be an ‘overnight solution’ and that research remains ongoing.
No such parking is planned for East Clare though, with the local authority saying a medium term objective will see more spaces facilitated in Scarriff town.
10 locations in the West Clare municipal district have public toilets, with so-called ‘superloos’ in both Kilkee and Kilrush to be managed 24/7 this summer.
The Killaloe MD meanwhile has just one ‘superloo’ – located in Killaloe town itself – with further managed facilities at both Mountshannon and Drumaan Harbours.
Bodyke-based Fine Gael councillor Joe Cooney believes more facilities may come on stream – but that this isn’t an issue that has faced East Clare before.
There will be plenty of public seating available in the West Clare MD, with 60 benches in Kilkee alone, and a further 2 wheelchair friendly benches to be in place shortly at George’s Head car park.
However, in response to queries, the local authority didn’t outline what plans, if any, are in place for additional seating in East Clare.
150 bins are being managed in the West Clare region as a whole, mainly in coastal areas and at blue flag beaches, with 30 serviced bins in place in a number of locations in the Killaloe district.
Kilkee-based Fianna Fail councillor Cillian Murphy believes plenty of infrastructure is in place in the area, but Clare County Council may need to employ more people to manage it properly.