Clare County Council has refused a planning application for a small housing development in North Clare.
The development, which would have seen six houses constructed in the village of Liscannor, has been denied planning permission due to non-compliance with the zoning objective of the lands.
Planning permission was sought by John Vaughan on March 15th of this year to construct six dwellings on Holland Street in Liscannor.
The application also included on-site wastewater pre-treatment, connection to public services, public road and green space, entrances and all associated site development works.
In the planners report published on May 8th, Executive Planner Ellen Carey recommends that planning permission be refused for the proposed development on the grounds that it doesn’t comply with the zoning objective for strategic lands.
The report notes the subject site is located on lands zoned as ‘strategic reserve’ as per the County Development Plan, meaning they are lands “identified for the long-term sequential expansion of Liscannor”.
It states the development doesn’t meet the criteria or exceptions as set out in the County Development Plan, that the proposal would be “premature” and that it would “materially contravene” the zoning objective of the site.
Furthermore, the planners report states the planning authority isn’t satisfied the site can be serviced in terms of storm water management, foul services and water supply, which it’s stated could pose a public health risk.