Clare County Council is checking the validity of a number of notices to quit issued by landlords to their tenants in this county.
The local authority has been contacted by 61 households who’ve been issued eviction notices, with a small number of these taking effect this week and the balance on dates ranging from the end of this month to the end of September.
27 of the NTQs are on account of the landlord’s intention to sell the property, 18 relate to the property being needed for the landlord’s family and six are for for tenancy breaches.
The Council says approximately 50% of these tenancies appear to be registered with Residential Tenancy Board and the validity of 12 of the notices are being checked before being assessed further.
Shannon Councillor Donna McGettigan, who highlighted this issue at this month’s meeting of Clare county councillors, fears there will be a return to multi-occupancy tenancies.
Listen to the interview below: