Vaccination Booster Clinics Open For 50-59 Year Olds In Ennis Today

Photo (c) Pixabay

A walk in clinic for 50 to 59 year-olds hoping to avail of their Covid-19 booster shot is open in Ennis today.

There is no appointment for this clinic, which is taking place from 9am to 4pm at the former Outpatients Department at Ennis General Hospital.

A further clinic for this age cohort is open on Saturday from 9am to 2pm.


People attending are being advised that that five months, or 150 days, should have passed since they received their second vaccine dose before attending for a booster and that they should bring their prior vaccine record card and ID.

Up to now only people over 60 or those with underlying conditions have been able to avail of a third dose.