A Clare Sinn Féin councillor believes the government can’t afford to worry about alienating landlords, if it’s to support renters in the budget.
The coalition party leaders and Minister’s Michael McGrath and Paschal Donohoe met late into the night working out the details of Budget 2024, however its understood some key issues are still outstanding and more talks are likely today.
Pre-budget speculation has indicated that a modest tax incentive for landlords will be included, either through tax relief on income, or an alteration in capital gains tax for renting a property on a more long-term basis.
In contrast, Sinn Féin’s Alternative Budget published last week proposed putting one month’s rent back into renter’s pockets and banning rent increases for a three-year period.
Cathaoirleach of the Shannon Municipal District and Sinn Féin Councillor Donna McGettigan says considering the pressure currently on renters, they must be given priority in Budget 2024.
Listen to the full interview here