
Clare’s Fine Gael Senator Wants No COVID Figure Updates Over Christmas

Clare’s Fine Gael Senator is calling on officials in the Department of Health to give people a break from COVID-19 this Christmas.

Senator Martin Conway is urging officials NOT to release daily COVID figures on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and St. Stephen’s Day.

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Speaking in recent weeks, he said he feels that people simply need a reprieve over the festive period.

Meanwhile, Flights from Britain have been banned until midnight tomorrow.

Only ferry crossings for freight will be allowed after a new strain of Covid-19 in England has shown to spread up to 70 times faster.

The EU member states will meet today to discuss its response to the variant.

Ryanair was due to operate flights between Shannon and Stansted today, and those services are cancelled.  The Airport is advising passengers to contact their airlines if they are affected.

People are being urged to reconsider their Christmas plan, meanwhile, if they have been socialising in the past few weeks after 764 more cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in the Republic.

The five day average number of cases has now risen to 557, while the estimated 14-day incidence rate is now above 112 cases per 100,000.

The infection rate among adults between 19 and 44 has more than doubled in the past 10 days.
