People who live and work in Clare but are registered to vote elsewhere are being reminded they have just a week left to get on the supplementary register here.
In just under four weeks the electorate will go to the polls again, this time to cast their ballot on Lisbon mark two.
The county’s supplementary register is currently being updated and people are being urged to make sure their details are correct as the closing date is Tuesday the 15th.
Meanwhile Clare TD’s are coming together once again to push for a yes in Clare again in Lisbon mark 2!
While the treaty was rejected overall last time round, it was narrowly passed in the county.
Launching its no campaign The Peace and Neutrality Alliance claimed Lisbon threatened our neutrality and accused Fianna Fáil of destroying both the economy and Irish neutrality.
However Clare Fianna Fail TD Timmy Dooley says guarantees on neutrality have been secured now and accused PANA of reneging on an earlier promises