
Clare Teachers Representative Fears Exam Students Could Lose Out On Practicals

A Clare teachers representative fears some leaving cert students could be treated unfairly, if orals and practical aren’t held this year.

Techers and students are still anxiously awaiting details on what form this year’s state exam will take.

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Cabinet have been meeting to day to discuss the matter, while the Department of Education is also meeting with stakeholders.

The Clare chair of a secondary teachers union believes urgent solutions are needed as to how to proceed with oral and practical examinations for this year’s Leaving Cert.

Some elements of what makes up an exam student’s final grade in certain subjects traditionally take place before Easter, though when schools reopen their doors still remains uncertain.

The Leaving Cert is the focus of today’s cabinet meeting, though a full decision on the matter may not come until later this week.

Clare TUI Chair and teacher at St. Michael’s Community College, Kilmihil, Kate Hehir, says if orals and practicals aren’t held, it may unfairly punish some students.

Another meeting is taking place between the Department of Education and stakeholders today to consider the options.

The Irish Second-Level Students Union wants calculated grades and scaled-back exams.

A decision isn’t expected until next week, but Union President Reuban Murray says it needs to be made urgently.

Meanwhile, the results of November’s written Leaving Cert exams, are now available online.

Over 2000 students sat the papers, including 43 in Clare and 50 percent of them received a higher result than their calculated grade in one or more subjects.

The State Examinations Commission says overall almost 40 percent of grades in the written papers were higher.

Seperately, CAO applications have hit record levels – with almost 80,000 applicants registering by the deadline yesterday evening.
