A Clare MEP believes the Government is putting the cart before the horse by phasing out chimneys in newly-built homes without upgrading the electricity grid.
The last week has seen thousands of homes and businesses in Clare lose power with the occupants having no way of heating their premises due to the absence of a stove or fireplace.
As of this year, the installation of an open fireplace in a new build is prohibited while houses must meet a minimum energy standard to have a stove fitted.
Ireland South MEP Michael McNamara believes “many are paying the price for the over-centralisation of the planning system, and its capture by well-intentioned idiots with no understanding of the reality of rural life”.
The Scariff-based MEP has been telling Clare FM’s Seán Lyons that because electricity outages are a reality in Ireland, people should be allowed to have an alternative way of heating their homes.
You can listen to the full interview here: