Clare GRA Rep Says Anyone Thinking Of Joining Gardaí Would Be “Thinking Twice” Following Dublin Riots

Photo (c) Garda Siochana

Clare’s GRA representative believes anyone looking to become a Garda would be “thinking twice” about it based on footage from last week’s Dublin riots.

It comes as the Garda Commissioner will face questions from TDs and Senators at an Oireachtas Justice Committee this afternoon.

Drew Harris was to appear alongside the Justice Minister, but Helen McEntee is standing in for the Taoiseach at leaders questions.


Meanwhile, Body worn cameras for Gardaí will take a step closer to existence today after a Dail vote on the technology later.

The Garda Siochana Recording Devices Bill 2022 is expected to pass through the Oireachtas, but it could be 2025 before the cameras are rolled out to every officer.

A proposal to introduce controversial facial recognition technology will also be brought forward by the Government this week.

Over the course of the events which took place in the capital last Thursday, over 400 Gardaí were deployed, with several sustaining injuries, one seriously injured, three patrol cars damaged and eight other Garda vehicles extensively damaged.

Clare GRA Representative, Garda Paul Crowley says the level of abuse endured by members, coupled with the lack of training given in how to appropriately use force, means aspiring Gardaí are being discouraged from pursuing the career.

Listen to the full interview here