Clare County Council says it’s on track to surpass it’s target for social housing over the next two years.
Under the Government’s ‘Housing For All’ plan, 302 social housing units were to be delivered through the local authority’s own capital projects and by supporting approved housing bodies in delivery of housing units.
That number is now expected to be exceeded, as Clare FM’s Fiona Cahill reports.
Clare County Council has outlined details of housing developments following contract signings for the construction and design of 92 proposed housing units across six direct build social housing schemes in the county.
Three of these are currently at construction stage and will deliver 18 new social housing units in Scarriff, 15 in Sixmilebridge and 5 in Clarecastle.
The three other direct build projects are now at design stage, and are proposed to deliver 25 units in Kilkee, 22 in Kilrush and 7 in Ennis.
The six schemes are in addition to five other Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage-approved direct build and buy and renew projects that are currently at design stage.
These are proposed to provide for a further 89 housing units in Ennis, Doonbeg, Ennistymon and Kilrush.
In addition, approved housing bodies in the county are working closely with the Council to deliver Department-approved projects, proposed to provide for 125 units at locations in Ennis, Kilkishen, Scarriff, Tulla, Kilrush and Westbury.
The figures do not include other pipeline projects yet to be approved by the Department.
Council CEO, Pat Dowling has welcomed the contract signings, saying the 92 proposed housing units are part of an ambitious programme of delivery across the county and will make a significant contribution to the Council’s efforts to meet the housing need of its applicants.
“Clare County Council has developed a strong pipeline of new public homes and, with Government support, aims to build on the progress made to date and continue to exceed in the delivery of our targets under Housing for All. We continue to support approved housing bodies in our overall delivery while ensuring that momentum is maintained in identifying and delivering on all opportunities for increasing social housing in County Clare.”
Cllr Tony O’Brien, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, said he was encouraged by the progress being made in the delivery of social housing in County Clare.
“The addition of these proposed developments will continue the positive progress that has been achieved to date in Clare to address housing need. We have seen a number of quality developments delivered last year and these recent contract signings should build on those efforts.”
Cllr Gerry Flynn, who chairs the Social Development Strategic Policy Committee in Clare County Council, also welcomed the announcement, saying he welcomes “these recent contract signings for housing developments along with the other pipeline projects currently at design stage. I look forward to seeing their completion and future occupancy.”
Anne Haugh, Director of Social Development, Clare County Council, has emphasised the need to view progress through the wider lens of addressing housing need in the county.
“While the focus can very often be on the local authority direct build, this is but one stream of delivery in the housing programme with turnkey build, acquisitions, buy and renew, approved housing body build and acquisition, and vacant property refurbishment all additional measures which are co-ordinated, supported and delivered by the Housing team in Clare County Council to provide new homes for those on the social housing list. Over 400 households were allocated properties in 2022 across the various delivery streams and the Council’s pipeline over the coming years aims to ensure housing need continues to be supported through the various channels of delivery.”