Clare County Council is reminding people across this county to adhere to the five kilometre travel rule during level five restrictions.
It comes after a number of reports on social media suggested large crowds have gathered in coastal areas such as Lahinch and Kilkee over the past number of days.
The local authority says the West Clare Municipal District office has not received complaints about gatherings at coastal locations to date.
People have also been asked to stop gathering in walking and climbing areas in the east of the county.
Patsy Neville of the 12 O Clock Hills Committee says they have had an increasing number of people parking at their facilities over the past number of days.
Statement from Clare County Council
“Signage is in place at the main coastal locations advising the public of Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing guidelines in line with Government and HSE advice.
The public are aware of the need to comply with these restrictions and are mainly doing so, and those who wish to access public areas for the purposes of exercise are reminded to do so safely in line with Government guidelines. The 5km travel restriction is in place to limit the number of people gathering at any one location. The West Clare Municipal District office has not received complaints about gatherings at our coastal locations.
Clare County Council is reinforcing the HSE’s public health messages through our communications channels and wishes to reiterate that everyone in the community must work together to curtail the spread of Covid-19 at this critical time. Members of the public are reminded to continue to adhere to Level 5 restrictions. Please continue to follow the basic health advice. Staying at home is the best way to minimise the risk of Covid-19 to friends, families and communities.”