
Clare Candidates Welcome Reconfiguration Rollback

Clare’s Fine Gael Candidates remain adamant that the reconfiguration of services from Ennis General will be halted if the party’s elected to power.

This is despite the HSE stating that it’s pressing ahead with the transfer of the ICU from Clare’s County Hospital, even though it also indicated this won’t happen next week as originally planned.

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The hospital’s future was one of the topics hotly debated by the county’s general elections candidates in Clare Fm’s Final Live debate as part of Clare Fm’s General Election Countdown.

Green Candidate Brian Meaney says the HSE’s reconfiguration is inevitable – but he wants assurances on the level of care to be provided at Ennis General.

While Fine Gael’s Joe Carey defended his party’s Fair Care health policy and says it will address hospital overcrowding in the MidWest

