
Claims That Clare Residents Still Live In Fear Of Being Targeted By Criminals

It's claimed residents in Clare are still living in fear of being targetted by criminals despite a reduction in crime levels over the past eight years.

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However, the Clare CEO of Muintir na Tíre says the perception of crime here is worse than reality.

Crime statistics show there has been a downward trend in the number of thefts and break-ins at Clare home since 2008, when there was a spike at the start of recession.

However, in recent times there has been an increase in burglary, and Clare FM listeners have been telling the station they're worried.

Aisling spoke on Clare FM's Morning Focus today, and explained that a number of street lights in her area aren't working, leaving them in darkness and in fear too.

The CEO of Muintir na Tíre has acknowledged people's fears but he believes the perception of crime on Clare is worse than the reality.

There has been a reduction in the number of Gardaí in recent years, but Inagh native Neil Garvey feels there's only so much the force can do.

He says communities need to work together to provide reassurance amongst themselves and he says action can be taken to create safer conditions in your locality.
