Carers Call For End To Postcode Lottery Ahead Of Budget Announcement

Calls have been made for an end to the postcode lottery for carers in Clare, when tomorrow’s budget is announced.

Substantial tax and welfare packages are expected to deal with the rising cost of living that could cost around a billion euro.


As the country moves out of the pandemic, this will be a budget that aims to tackle the rising cost of living.

There will be a 5 euro a week increase for the state pension and core social welfare rates, at a cost of 350m euro.

A big focus is also being put on childcare, with a 100m euro pot aimed at freezing the costs for parents.

A deal to recruit an additional 1,000 SNAs has been sought by the Department of Education

Tax bands are set to be indexed to raise the point at which people start paying higher tax.

It’s also expected tomorrow the first rise in the student grant in more than a decade will be confirmed.

The price of a pack of cigarettes will rise by 50c, while alcohol is being left untouched this year.

The President of Ennis Chamber is calling on the Government not to implement any ‘knee jerk’ measures for businesses.

Meanwhile the price of a 20 box of cigarettes is expected to rise by 50 cents, but so far there’s no indication on whether there will be any change to the price of alcohol.

Publican Darragh McAllister says the business landscape has changed, and wants the Government to plan accordingly.

Carers, meanwhile, are calling for an end to fragmented an inconsistent supports for those who want to stay home and care for a loved one.

Catherine Cox is Head of Communications for Family Carers Ireland, which has a base in Clare.

She says carers in this county may have to wait longer periods for access to home respite than those in other counties, which she says must be rectified.