
Car Owners Warned Of Spike In Theft Of Catalytic Converters

Gardaí are warning motorists to be on alert, following an increase in thefts of some engine parts from cars.

At around 2am on Friday last two men were seen leaving the Rath Ban estate on the Tulla Road in Ennis, after taking a catalytic converter from a car in the area.

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At around 2.15am the same night, another one as stolen from a car parked at Woodfield, Broadford.


Clare’s Crime Prevention Officer, Sergeant Triona Brooks, says the increase in thefts is a reflection of the rise in price of palladium and rhodium metals.

Sergeant Brooks has the following advice:

– Defensive parking near a wall can make jacking up a vehicle difficult, making this type of theft more difficult too. If you have a garage use it.

– Park in well-lit busy areas.

– Installation of security lights to come on automatically when someone approaches a car parked in a driveway.

– Report any suspicious activity to the Gardaí.

“If anyone has any information or witnessed anything in relation to these incidents we would ask them to contact any Garda Station or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111” Sergeant Brooks concluded.
