High court proceedings taken by the owners of a Gort based concrete quarry against a local diesel oil supplier resume today.
Yesterday Good Concrete which is involved in the construction of the Gort Crusheen By Pass secured an injunction preventing Peter Howley obstructing the entrance to the company’s quarry at Sheenaun with a number of trucks.
Mr Howley who supplied diesel supplied to Goode Concrete claims he’s owned 90 thousand euro by the company while Peter Goode, managing director of Goode Concrete, told Mr Justice Edwards in an affidavit that following mechanical tests he had a sample of the diesel examined by experts and it had been revealed the diesel which Mr Howley was supplying was not within statutory specification limits.
He said he had obtained information through the Revenue Commissioners that Mr Howley had a previous conviction for keeping for sale laundered diesel.
The court was was also told that Goode had a contract worth €8m with Siac/Willis to provide concrete for the new motorway between Gort and Crusheen and Siac had told them they would have to source the concrete elsewhere unless Goode could restore supply.
An injunction was granted and the matter is back before the courts today.