
Average Rents In Clare Now Above €1,000 Mark

The average rental price for a house in Clare is now more than €1,000.

The latest quarterly report from property website shows rents in this county have risen by nearly 15 percent in the past year.

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It’s the highest year-on-year increase here and throughout Munster on record, going back as far as 2006.

Only four counties saw a higher percentage increase in rents in the past 12 months than in Clare.

Renting a one bed apartment in this county will now cost an average of 690 euro, while a two bed will set you back around 777 euro.

4 and 5 bed houses here will now reach beyond the €1,000 mark.

The report, perhaps unsurprisingly, suggests having a mortgage on a home is far cheaper than renting.

An average mortgage on a 3-bed house in Clare will cost €531 a month, while renting it will cost you €878 – around 65 percent more.

The report’s authors say the only way to stop continued price increases is to build more rental homes, and that building costs need to be brought down quickly.
