
Application Lodged For West Clare Windfarm

A planning application for a new wind farm in West Clare has been lodged with the local authority.

Ballykett Green Energy LTD has formally launched its proposal to build turbines in the Kilrush area.

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The proposed development involves the erection of 4x 5MW (Mega-Watt) turbines of up to 150m in height, along with a permanent meteorological mast that would be 82m tall.

Ballykett Green Energy LTD predicts the project will result in the creation of up to 35 jobs during the construction phase and a further 6 to 8 long-term positions when the windfarm is operational, along with various roles for future contractors.

The company also claims the windfarm will generate enough power to provide green electricity to over 10,000 homes in the immediate vicinity.

The proposed location spans over 31 hectares across the townlands of Ballykett, Tullabrack East, Tullabrack West, Tullabrack South and Gower South.

The plans also estimate that up to 1,800 HGVs (Heavy Goods Vehicles) could traverse the area during the construction phase.

But Ballykett Green Energy LTD has proposed a community benefit fund of €1.5m within the first fifteen years of the 35-year lifespan of the windfarm.

The developer has also committed to conduct a full assessment and mitigation study to avoid shadow flicker.

Clare County Council will be accepting public submissions until May 2nd, with a decision due on May 25th.
