An Bord Pleanála has upheld a decision by Clare County Council to refuse planning permission for almost 40 new homes.
The proposed development in the east of the county was turned down due to the risk of injury to visual amenity in the area.
All the way back in May of 2022, Woodhaven Developments LTD in Ennis submitted an application to Clare County Council for the construction of 33 new x two-storey homes and 3 x single storey houses at Church Road in Tulla.
The local authority received four submissions from local residents including one stating that the quality of proposed timber boundary fencing would present a long-term risk to privacy, safety and property value.
While the Director of the adjacent O’Halloran’s Funeral Home requested that a block wall with a minimum height of two metres be constructed as a boundary.
Clare County Council would ultimately refuse permission for the housing scheme on two grounds, including that it contravened the county development plan as it failed to provide adequate pedestrian connectivity to Tulla Town Centre.
The case was subsequently appealed to An Bord Pleanála, which has this week ruled to uphold the local authority’s decision.
In her report, Inspector Ciara McGuiness stated that due to its layout and design, the development would fail to integrate with surrounding lands and would therefore seriously injure the visual amenity of the area.