
Another rise in Clare Live Register

The number of people signing on in Clare is continuing to rise unabated.

New figures, which show the regional break down of the Live Register, reveal an extra 344 sought either jobseekers allowance or benefits here in the county in July.

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Overall a total of 10, 513 people in Clare are now seeking some form of state employment aid, due to redundancy, short time working hours, or the lack of seasonal work.

From June to July an extra 344 signed on, with the biggest hike in Ennis where there’s currently 6279 on the live register, up 207 from June.

Kilrush was the second worst hit , with an extra 53 signing on, bringing the total number there seeking state assistance at 1,354.

Tulla’s figures meanwhile rose to over 1,400 with the addition of another 45 people in July and the slowest rate of increase was in the Ennistymon area with an extra 39 signing on now.
