
Anger at Plans to Enforce Eight Foot Graves Law

There are calls for Clare Councillors to vote against new rules which govern Graveyards in the county. 

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New draft bye laws will go on public display in the coming days. 

However the proposal to re-inforce a law dating to the 1800s which stipulates that graves must be 8 foot deep is already causing controversy. 

Bye Laws governing county Clare's burial grounds have been in the works for over a year. 

They include rules on the height of headstones, littering in graveyards and more controversially the depth of graves themselves. 

If passed the document would would re-inforce a law dating to the 1800s which stipulates that graves must be 8 foot deep. 

The bye laws will go on public display from Friday and will also be available on

The public consultation will continue until mid-May.
