Clare County Council has paid out almost €15,000 in compensation for pothole damage claims over a five-year period.
The number of pothole damage claims finalised in Clare has been increasing each year since 2019 – with Clare County Council forking out almost €7,000 for such claims last year alone.
If a vehicle is damaged as a result of a hole or depression on the surface of a public road, the owner can make a public liability claim against the local authority responsible for the road’s maintenance and upkeep.
Since 2019, 100 pothole damage claims have been finalised in Clare – resulting in €14,678 in compensation being paid out by Clare County Council.
Finalised claims here have seen a five-and-a-half-fold increase since 2019 – with the council paying out for pothole damage on 39 occasions last year compared to just six in 2019.
The amount of money paid out in Clare for pothole damage also saw a significant jump in 2023 as €6,996 in compensation was awarded here which was more than double the €2,267 awarded in 2022.
From 2019 to 2023, a total of 100 claims for pothole damage were finalised in this county.