
All HSE MidWest Outpatient Appointments Postponed For Storm Éwoyn

All outpatient appointments across Clare, Limerick and North Tipperary have been postponed due to storm Éwoyn. 

With extremely dangerous travelling conditions expected, HSE Mid West is only operating  its urgent emergency and essential time-critical services for the day.

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Patients will be notified as soon as possible about a rescheduled date.

The Emergency Department at University Hospital Limerick will remain open 24-7 for patients with the most serious illnesses and injuries, including life-threatening emergencies.

The Maternity Emergency Unit at University Maternity Hospital Limerick will also remain open.

While arrangements are being made to ensure continuation of essential services for chemotherapy and dialysis patients as well as those scheduled for urgent surgery.

These patients are being prioritised and are being contacted by the clinical teams in relation to appointments/procedures planned for Friday, while supports to vulnerable people at home in the community will be prioritised on an urgent needs basis.

The region’s three Injury Units will also open as usual from 8am-8pm to treat any minor injuries, including broken bones, dislocations, sprains, strains, wounds, scalds and minor burns. The units are located at:

·        Ennis Hospital, V95 HN29 – Tel: 065-686 3121

·        Nenagh Hospital, E45 PT86 – Tel: 067-42311

·        St John’s Hospital, Limerick, V94 H272 – Tel: 061 462 222


Commenting, Sandra Broderick, HSE Mid West Regional Executive Officer, said: “We regret the impact of postponement of services this Friday. This has been necessary to ensure the safety of our patients, their families, and our staff, and to ensure continuity of immediate and urgent services during the storm. I’m very grateful to staff across the Mid West for the huge effort they’ve made to ensure emergency and essential care is provided to patients this Friday. I’d like to reassure patients impacted by postponements that we will make every effort to re-schedule their care at the earliest opportunity.”

Adverse weather conditions may present difficulties for patients going home and discharges are being accelerated today, where appropriate, to better manage any surge in presentations arising from impacts from the storm. We are working closely with the National Ambulance Service and private ambulance providers to ensure that hospital transfers and discharges are stood up on Friday as soon as it’s safe to do so.

With severe weather posing a particular challenge to older people and other vulnerable members of the community, HSE Mid West is urging friends, relatives and neighbours to check in with their loved ones regularly, either in person or by phone, over the coming days. The Be Winter Ready webpage at provides comprehensive advice on preparing for severe weather.

Regular updates will be provided on the ‘Storm Éowyn service disruptions’ webpage and we will also provide regular updates through local media and on Facebook and Twitter/X, @hsemidwest
