
82% Rise In Visitors To Ennis Friary Last Year

The OPW recorded an 82% increase in visitor numbers to Ennis Friary last year.

It’s one of a number of heritage sites across the country to witness an increase in footfall in the wake of the pandemic.

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The Office of Public Works manages and maintains the most important of Ireland’s historic buildings and heritage.


Its recorded visitor numbers for 2022 demonstrate another successful year for heritage tourism, with 15 million people visiting OPW managed sites nationally, a rise of 18%, or 2.3 million on 2021.

11,032 people visited the 13th Century Franciscan Friary in Ennis last year, a jump of 4,974 on the previous year.

Scattery Island saw a reduction in footfall though.

6,104 people visited the 6th centuary monastic settlement near Kilrush in 2021 and this dropped to 4,758 across 2022.

The Minister of State with responsibility for the OPW says the national figures clearly indicate an enormous interest in heritage tourism.

Minister Patrick O’Donovan also believes an increasing number of tourists and domestic visitors regard Ireland’s heritage sites as great places to visit.
